Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers for Persons with both mental and substance abuse disorders
Treatment Centers by Name |
Treatment Centers by City in California
- Recovery Homes of America Inc Cornerstone of Southern California 1
- Recovery Homes of America Inc Cornerstone of Southern California 4
- Recovery Homes of America Inc Cornerstone of Southern California 7
- Recovery Homes of America Inc Cornerstone of Southern California 8
- Recovery Homes of America Inc Cornerstone of South CA Outpt Service
- Recovery Systems Associates
- Redlands Yucaipa Guidance Clinic Assoc
- Redlands Yucaipa Guidance Clinic Assoc Vista Guidance Ctrs/Yucaipa Guid Ctr
- Redlands Yucaipa Guidance Clinic Assoc Vista Guidance Center
- Renaissance Malibu
- Restore Inc
- Right Road Recovery Programs Inc
- Rio Vista Care
- Riverside County Substance Abuse Prog
- Riverside County Substance Abuse Prog Hemet
- Riverside County Substance Abuse Prog
- Riverside County Substance Abuse Prog Outpatient Drug Free
- Riverside County Substance Abuse Prog
- Riverside County Substance Abuse Prog Western Riverside Narcotics Trt Prog
- Riverside San Bernardino County Indian Health/Torres-Martinez Clinic
- Riverside San Bernardino County Indian Health
- Road to Recovery
- Sacramento Black Alcoholism Ctr (SBAC) Sobriety Brings a Change
- Sacramento Veterans Resource Center
- Saddle Group Inc Saddle Group
- SAGE Project Inc
- Saint Josephs Behavioral Health Center
- Saint Marys Center Recovery 55
- Salvation Army The Salvation Army Bell Shelter
- Salvation Army Harmony Hall
- Salvation Army Safe Harbor
- San Bernardino County Alcohol and Drug Services Treatment
- San Bernardino County Victor Valley Perinatal Treatment Prog
- San Bernardino County Chino Multiple Diagnosis Clinic
- San Bernardino Dept of Behavioral Hlth
- San Diego Rescue Mission Inc Men´s Recovery Program
- San Francisco Bay Counseling/Education
- San Francisco Drug Court Intensive Outpatient Services
- San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH) Stimulant Treatment Outpatient Program
- San Joaquin County Recovery House
- San Joaquin County Residential Drug Program
- San Joaquin County Aurora Street Clinic
- San Manuel Clinic Indian Health
- Sanctuary Psychiatric Centers of Santa Barbara/Outpatient
- Sanctuary Psychiatric Centers of Santa Barbara/Residential
- Santa Clara Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs/South County Meth Clinic
- Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center Youth Services/South
- Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center Youth Services North County
- Savage Foundation
- Seacliff Recovery Center